C. S. Lewis' Guide to True Masculinity
September 13th, 2024
Hoo boy.Talking about convicting and encouraging.First in. Last out. Laughing loudest.I needed this reminder.......  Read More
by Matt Davis
Christianity in Kazakhstan
September 13th, 2024
I was really surprised at how this short podcast moved me. It's an interview with a small church pastor in Kazakhstan. Most poignant was the section where he talked about the fact that it is easier to...  Read More
by Matt Davis
Never Give In - What in the World are They Saying about Winston Churchill?
September 6th, 2024
This isn't an article on church leadership, philosophy, or ministry per se, but it is an important pushback on a creeping danger on the right side of the political spectrum, which will eventually impa...  Read More
by Matt Davis
Pragmatism and Pastoring
September 6th, 2024
This is an excellent podcast on pastoral philosophy, directly addressing a creeping mentality "what works must be right" mentality that has crept into many churches. Juan Sanchez speaks specifically t...  Read More
by Matt Davis
How the Gospel Shapes Our Gathering
August 30th, 2024
I love this in-depth look at the philosophy of the church gathering. The truths laid out here are very much in line with how I approach planning our Sunday morning gathering. Look out for the three re...  Read More
by Matt Davis
The Life-Rattling-Truth that has Kept Me in Africa
August 30th, 2024
This is an excellent article by our missionary in Zambia, Philip Hunt. The older I grow, the more comfort and strength I take from God's sovereignty and providence. Once you see it, you can't unsee it...  Read More
by Matt Davis
Defining Success in my 9-to-5 Job
August 23rd, 2024
John Piper does a really good job here of tackling an important truth about how we approach work. I think sometimes we elevate ministry work and minimize the importance of non-ministry work, not reali...  Read More
by Matt Davis
The Current State of Abortion in the US
August 19th, 2024
Dr. Al Mohler does a good job of summarizing where the current trajectory of the culture is after the Dobbs decision which reversed Roe vs. Wade. Pro-life advocates have seen a number of setbacks, inc...  Read More
by Matt Davis
Live Not By (Your Own) Lies
August 15th, 2024
I don't think I've posted two articles by the same author in a week, but I ran across this after the AI article and thought it was so spot on for the moment for us as Christians.The author does a grea...  Read More
by Matt Davis
The anti-human temptation of AI
August 13th, 2024
If you watched the Olympics, you might have noticed a good number of commercials touting the glories of AI (artificial intelligence). This is a good article warning about the trap of letting a supplem...  Read More
by Matt Davis
The Ordinances: A True and Better Identity Politics
August 6th, 2024
Bobby Jamieson is a great writer and pastor who thinks deeply on matters of church unity, leadership, and structure. This article was written two years ago but rings even more true today as our nation...  Read More
by Matt Davis
What about "winsome third-way-ism"?
July 31st, 2024
This is a followup thought from the article and my thoughts on the New Cultural Christianity from last week.Most of you have heard me talk about Aaron Renn's positive, neutral, and negative world thes...  Read More
by Matt Davis
Unity is not the same as total agreement
July 26th, 2024
This article by Conrad Mbewe is helpful in considering what it means to "strive together for the gospel" with other Christians who might be outside of your theological stream.......  Read More
by Matt Davis
The Rise of the New Cultural Christianity
July 24th, 2024
This is an interesting and insightful article by Andrew Walker on the recent rise of high profile "cultural Christians". Elon Musk and Richard Dawkins (of new atheist fame) have declared themselves cu...  Read More
by Matt Davis
100 Facets of the Diamond of Jesus
July 19th, 2024
I read this and immediately printed it out because the observations were so biblical and comforting. Perhaps it will encourage you as well as you consider the unsearchable riches of Christ.......  Read More
by Matt Davis
A Real Life Example of Fruitful College Ministry
July 17th, 2024
When I saw that Kevin DeYoung (one of my favorite writers and cultural thinkers) was interviewing Kirk Cousins (the new quarterback for the Atlanta Falcons), I was really interested. I am not as enthu...  Read More
by Matt Davis
Leadership Challenges as Church Size Changes
July 11th, 2024
I listened to this back in the early spring and it was helpful in thinking through how leadership challenges change as churches grow. This was interesting to me as our church is on the verge  of one o...  Read More
by Matt Davis
Enjoying the Good Things of Earth without Guilt
July 9th, 2024
I really haven't been on a Joe Rigney kick lately (really), it's just that two of his books fell into my hands and were helpful. I referenced this concept of this book Sunday in my sermon on James 1 o...  Read More
by Matt Davis
Leadership and Emotional Sabotage
July 6th, 2024
Geared for men, this is one of the best books I have read on leadership in a good while. There is a lot about Rigney and the ministry that he is with that I disagree with, but this book was spot on an...  Read More
by Matt Davis
The Danger of Therapy Culture for Children
July 6th, 2024
Dr. Al Mohler talks with Abigail Shrier about her new book, "Why the Kids Aren't Growing Up". This is a helpful discussion on helping children mature through the struggles of life.......  Read More
by Matt Davis
Parenting Wayward Children
July 6th, 2024
A very helpful podcast on the struggle parents with wayward children face and how to approach it with a gospel focus. This is also helpful for those not in this situation to be able to minister to oth...  Read More
by Matt Davis