Genesis 32:22-32-Blessed Helplessness-May 26, 2024am

May 26, 2024    Jason Boling

Today Bro. Jason drives us to drill down and find the real problem. Many times in life our problems aren’t financial, health, or horizontal relationships. It is our vertical relationship that is the issue. Our wrong relationship with God is our problem. When we are self dependent, self serving, self focused, we can become cunning and deceitful. Self reliance and independence are deceptive. We must get to the end of ourselves and realize that no matter what we have, what we do, how successful we are, it is God’s doing. We must become God dependent, God serving, and God focused, and realize He is sovereign and we are helpless. Paul said “When I am weak, I am strong”. This is God’s story and how He always responds at the right moment.