TBS - The Bible Study
Tuesdays at 7pm
Our Goal
Obviously you came to Lander for an education, but we believe God has more for you than just that. What if you found what God made you to do? We know God made you good at something. What if you learned to do that something well for the glory of God somewhere strategic for the mission of God?
Our goal at TBS is to disciple you so that you can then take what you have learned and use it in whatever field or career God calls you to.
Our goal at TBS is to disciple you so that you can then take what you have learned and use it in whatever field or career God calls you to.
What We Do
Gathering with other Christians is key to keeping your faith and building on the rock Christ. We all need the Bible poured into our life; we all need encouragement and support; we all need Jesus! You can find these things each week at TBS.
We gladly welcome students from all backgrounds! We study through books of the Bible with occasional breaks to cover different topics from the Scripture.
We gladly welcome students from all backgrounds! We study through books of the Bible with occasional breaks to cover different topics from the Scripture.
Who We Are
We are a church working to make disciples of Jesus on the campus of LU. Matt Davis (pastor of Greenwood Baptist Church), leads TBS and our desire is to help you know Jesus, love Jesus, share Jesus and make disciples of Jesus.
Whether you follow Jesus or are just curious about who He is, we would love to have you with us on Tuesdays or to gather for worship on Sunday.
Whether you follow Jesus or are just curious about who He is, we would love to have you with us on Tuesdays or to gather for worship on Sunday.
Where We Gather
Every week during the fall and spring semester we gather for in-depth Bible study and music. We usually share a meal together and then enjoy hanging out afterwards.
We meet at Greenwood Baptist Church at 211 Birchtree Drive (about 1/2 mile from campus), Greenwood. We occasionally have game nights and other times of fellowship and hope to add yearly retreats soon.
Consider this your invitation to join us for TBS on Tuesdays at 7pm!
We meet at Greenwood Baptist Church at 211 Birchtree Drive (about 1/2 mile from campus), Greenwood. We occasionally have game nights and other times of fellowship and hope to add yearly retreats soon.
Consider this your invitation to join us for TBS on Tuesdays at 7pm!