Habakkuk 3:1-19-Yet I Will Rejoice-November 03, 2024am

Nov 3, 2024    Pastor Matt Davis

Habakkuk Chapter 3 shows us that in times of trouble, we should worship God. Worship Him for who He is. Habakkuk asks God for three things. 1, to review His work, 2. to reveal His power, 3. to remember mercy. We should worship God for what He has done. Worship His past work, His sovereign power, and His victory over the wicked. We rejoice in God’s salvation. We remember trials will not be easy, to trust in God, no matter what, and to rest in God’s strength and not our own. God may use crushing power to teach lessons, but He always maintains a remnant to begin again.

God is sovereign over the lives of his people and in his rule of the world

1God is sovereign over all our of circumstances; 1:1-11

2The righteous respond with faith; 1:12-2:20

3The righteous respond with worship; 3:1-19