II Peter 2:17-22-A Just Judgement Pt II-October 22,2023am

Oct 22, 2023    Pastor Matt Davis

Pastor Matt teaches us that at the heart of a false teacher is an unsaved, unbeliever. They have head knowledge of The Gospel, but not experiential knowledge. We need to closely follow Christ and know His word in order to avoid falling into one of their traps. A false teacher is nothing but a miserable replica of the real thing. This finishes #'s 7 & 8.

(1) Greetings! (2) God’s gift of grace (3) should spur you to grow by that grace (4) and to be confident in the scripture, the revelation of that grace. (5) Remember though that Satan undermines this grace through false teachers, (6) teachers who will be judged (7&8) because of their wickedness. (9) So don’t grow weary, remember their end and your’s (10) as you pursue holiness (11) and stability for the glory of Christ