Matt 9:35-38-Outwardly Focused-May 5, 2024am

May 5, 2024    Pastor Matt Davis

This week, Pastor Matt shows us a healthy church is moved by lostness. This passage in Matthew shows the heart of Jesus and His compassion for the lost. A healthy church is focused near and far. We need to work in the harvest in the face of fear. We need to see people like Jesus does, to gain compassion for them. We were all lost at one point in time. When we see depravity, we should never feel superior to those enslaved by it. Every saint has a dark past, but every sinner can have a bright future. We just need to help them find the way.

A healthy church is word driven, doctrinally sound, and gospel-centered, leading to regenerate, outwardly focused members who gather for common mission, accountability, prayer, and growth by following the teaching and example of elders.