James 5:7-12-Patiently Suffering-October 06, 2024am

Oct 6, 2024

Today Brother Jason teaches us about patience and suffering. In this passage of James he tells us as we go through our suffering to not give up, don’t lash out or share our misery with others, and to guard our tongues. It is a tall order because it is our base nature to lash out at others because “misery loves company”. Through the nature The Spirit gives us, we can become patient or steadfast in our suffering or oppression. All the prophets and even Job knew to be steadfast through worldly suffering knowing it is much better on the other side. Believers who patiently suffer in this life are rewarded in the next. 

Living Faith is

*Real; 1:2-2:27 it’s tested, holy, compassionate and visible

*Humble; 3:1-5:6 it’s self aware, selfless, submissive and sympathetic

*Expectant; 5:7-5:20 it’s persevering and praying.